

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Kampot and ostres beach Cambodia 12/16

My time in Cambodia is unfortunately short. After two nights in Phom penh I took a 4 hrs bus, accidentally the long way to Kampot. Could have done it in two hrs, if I researched the bus companies better. 

Kampot is a chill place, nearby a beach town. I booked at a 10/10 rating "Eco" place. The highest I have ever seen. Chill place with "healthy" food. I was stoked. They had some good food options but nowhere close to what I am use to cooking or ordering back home. I so miss cooking and eating heathy. I have gained weight and look forward to going home to straighten myself out. 

The setting was nice and quiet but 4km out of the sleepy like town with not a whole lot to do. This was fine for me because I was down to relax. Met some cool people at my hostel and that's where I spent Xmas eve and morning. No major party or activity which was fine by me as I was never a Xmas person. 
Two nights later and two hr mini van I ended at Otres beach. But only for one night. I heard about a hill hostel by the beach. It's a total backpacker spot and I really enjoyed the chill vibe. No big buildings, no resorts.

 Sadly I learned that the Chinese might have bought up the area and I gather in two years only the rich will afford to be here and probably ruin the beach with over development. No one seems to learn from others mistakes not care. 

I keep meeting cool people and it's nice to have dinner with people, learn about their country and travels. So many Australians and British I end up chatting with in Vietnam and Cambodia. 

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