Not all days are filled with butterfly collecting or bat education. One morning we set out to shoot insects for the webpage. Another time, we “shot” some bird pix with a guest. And another morning, we went nearby to drink some coconuts.
On my last day, I participated in bird counting day, which is a world-wide event during the holiday season. 7 of us drove 45 mins to the biological station to stay over night as we had to wake up at 4:30am to start the count.
The first 4 hours was slow as there’s lots of bird activity. We split in to three groups to cover the trails back to the center. Christian was able to identify the birds by hearing them. He also makes calls to try to distinguish similar looking birds. 145 species were identified by everyone. I collected random pix on a few different excursions to create this post and photo album. Now, I am in San Jose with friends for the next few days.
correction: they categorized bats by their diet. one category was eating FISH!