Thankfully the state cabins are available for rent in winter and my generous friend with a boat gave me a lift. We made sure the wind/water conditions were goo and tried to fish on the way there and back since we were out on the water. I am so lucky to have such great friends.
One thing I love about Alaska is the feeling of time and space. Being connected to nature, but being in town and with my "public" job, I am always surrounded by peeps; awesome peeps. And, I am a social butterfly still trying to learn the word NO.
The funny thing was even being away from those distractions on my own, I was still able to distract myself from reading and writing. Constantly counting the wood left to burn, checking the fire in the stove, checking the hours left of daylight, looking at the tide book. I hardly sat down. And every time I did, I had to get up within a minute. Oh that door is not full shut, where's the lighter, put in batteries in headlamp before it gets too dark...Boy living simply takes a lot of time up :) But this took me to my bare basics of living. I am so spoiled in my living lifestyle and this took me down a bit.
I was well prepared with 5 gallons of water. I used about 80% of it to make tea to keep warm. Also had the right warm gear and wit. My adopted parents, Rick & Dorle, gave me firewood. That's it. I was not sure how much I would need though.
Luckily winter here is super mild this year. But across the bay in the woods, closer to those beautiful fat white mountains, it is colder. I got cold in a a few hours and was super worried about how long the wood would last. So I was conservative for hours. I did not realize it is best to heat up the cabin then use little wood to add on.
Next time would love to go for a few days. I took about 200 pix and posted 8. Click here for ice on water, ice under water and other cool AK winter shots.
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