Then headed to San Antonio, no more sun and even got a bit of rain. Texas has been in a drought for years! I only had one free night there to explore before the conference started. Then mom went back to NYC.
The fundraising conference had 3,000 people vs my town of 5,000. I was overwhelmed with nice people from the nonprofit sector and amazing workshops. So intense! I still need to process this information. At times, I was frustrated because I can only do much with my time in my department of one. Possibilities are endless if I had more help. Wanna never be bored? Work for a nonprofit :)
I saw the work (and meet the people connected to) so many amazing causes and feel proud to be a part of so much positivity in this world. Not everyone chooses to work for a nonprofit, but if you are passionate about a cause, I encoruage you to volunteer (even petitioning or sharing info on facebook etc. helps) or donate to that cause.
I am actually going to leave my savings and IRA to a few nonprofits. I am super excited about this since I don't have kiddos. I will become a major donor when I pass on and then get invited to all the major events hehe...
Ok enough on that, you get the picture. Click here for fun Austin pix. and here for nice San Antonio pix.