NYC came and went! After my brother's wedding, I headed back to nyc with the fam. Had a billion errands to run like visiting good old Apple store and got a new macbook air finally to replace my heavy 7 yr old lap top (thanks to dad's help).

Also had to go through more stuff to see what to do with them. I was sicken by how much stuff I still had and how I can't seem to emotionally detatch from some crap! I ate like crazy: chinese, italian, sushi, indian etc; things we don't get in Homer. Saw friends, but I never get to see them all or have enough days to chill longer and for that I wish I could do more. But I got to see a "metal" show (Soulfly) which was super awesome timing for me as they are one of my fav bands.

I checked out the new REI store in Soho; the emptiest I ever seen an REI. Basically my only shopping was practical stuff I needed tech and gear wise like a super duper headlamp so I can easily get to my truck in the mornings. It's already dark as I head to work :( super sad and still not adjusted to the crazy light/darkness in AK.
Good to spend time with the parents and of course my angel Honey! Sad thought occured that this might be the last time I see here as she is 14. But she is still kicking strong. I miss her badly but know she is in better hands with the parents.

I walked about 100 blocks in a day which took 2 hrs and 80 blocks the day before. I so miss walking. The best way to see a place and workout! Gosh, I wish nyc was closer to AK. The trip airport to airport took 17 hrs (including time zone change. And my two layovers were only 2 hrs each....
Click here for more city pix.
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