

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Winter Time in Fairbanks, Well not exactly

I spent a quick weekend in Fairbanks which is about 3 hrs plane flight with a layover in anchorage. I met with a public radio station there at the university to talk about some work stuff. I went on a Friday so I could check the city out and hang with a friend, Rachel, I made two summers ago wwoofing on an island near Juneau.

I've been both terrified and curious about the winter up in the north. They get as low as -60. Yes, that's a real temperature. But they are inland which means not much wind or rain. It's pretty dry there and they also have sunny days. And now with gaining 6 mins of daylight a day, the sun is felling nice and warm. But I brought up the warmth with 30 deg temps. Night were chilly with single digits but we did not go out late. I was pooped.

I got to ski on my first river with 4 dogs, do an 8 hr drive to a hot springs in a green house, community sauna, do an intense yoga/pilates class (it hurt to laugh or cough 3 days afterwards), and checked out the only 2 breweries in town. And got to know Rachel better. She has a super outlook on life and inspiring attitude.

Overall it was a great trip. It's interesting that there's such a huge university up there and I was surprised to see so many young females. But I must say, I still love the Homer scenery even with our cooler summers and cloudier/wetter weather! Click here for some shots.

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