I am a bit jealous or envious, which is something I
have not felt in a long time. I guess I am inpatient again. I searched and
tried and gave myself time last year, so I am tired of trying. I am tired of
settling in to a new place. Maybe I want too much; every place will have
pros and cons and I need to just be content with one. Perhaps, I have it backwards. I know what I want, but just need to
find the process to achieve it, while others had no clue what they wanted but
are happy with the outcome. Maybe I am just trying to hard? There’s so much going for Homer and I really love the people
and community here but I am just not sure if I can make the cut long term w/ the
weather and darkness. Even summer is too cold! Hopefully all this trying will add
up to something good.
I realized today that fear controls us in so many ways. For
instance, health insurance and the fear of not having it. Would we work were we
do, if they did not offer health insurance as a benefit? No wonder, social
healthcare looses in our gov’t.
I must say though it has been very interesting living this
new work lifestyle. There’s pros and cons to having a few “jobs” vs 9-5 M-F. My only real paying one is the 8 hrs farmer
market one. I wish I had more time to get another paying job. But, I hardly have
a day off now. However, I am with people I like and working on stuff that
interests me when I am not a nanny. There’s variety and my nanny gig is
flexible. The hours are random at times so there’s still time for some fun at
night, but I stay in usually. I took off this week from volunteering and got to
escape again across the bay. Everyone says I should go when I have the chance
and luck for me, my adopted family has a great place there. I am enjoying all the moments here while my mind races w/ the bigger life stuff. Homer being so cool (pun intended) makes it a hard decision if I stay or go. Click here for
awesome pix.
I forgot to mention that my cell took a swan dive into the sea while I was helping someone in to their kayak. Silly me for having it to tell time, but I should have a new on in a few days! Hopefully before or on my bday!