By the end, we all had tons of blisters on our feet. But, for most students, this hike was their favorite part of the course. We got to the biological station by 5pm and I immediately took a cold shower then we set up the tent before dark. I had a hard time sleeping the next 2 nights even with natural sleeping aids.
We took a different hike on the way out, most of which was on a scenic beach. It was our first time really doing a night hike. We started at 3am to try to avoid the hot sun but we got stuck around sunrise waiting for the high tide to go down so we can continue on.
It was kinda scary since we could not see but u hear all kinds of movements. There are pumas and jaguars here that we didn't see. Also watch out for those snakes. We had a huge river crossing that reached to our butts. Another first time for me. In the water someone spotted a caiman (or a baby croc) and stingray. Also the feeling of algae was yucky. And all of this was in the dark around 3:30am!
Around 10:30am we reached our beautiful tent camp lodge, where the tent is already provided with views of the ocean from the tent. Click here for more pix.
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