It’s strange to take a boat to go hiking. Rubber boots are needed for the boat and rain pants. Then bring your hiking shoes and of course bear spray. As I got dropped off the beach, I luckily quickly remembered I left my hiking boots on the boat. Agh, so much gear to remember. I hide the boots by the trees and headed up the Grace Trail hike. I knew I would not be able to finish the 9 mile 6-8 one way hike as the boat was picking me up in 6 hrs.
I did not expect the snow though. I made it through some snow, even a steep part. Right after that I got the view that I was looking for of the mts and islands. But coming back down I got to unintentionally slide on me bumb; kinda fun. I never hiked alone before AK and it’s given me a lot of time to think. Ideas of what I should do, where should I go this winter have been running through me mind.
So many options, but need to research them a bit to see what make sense. I won’t mention them till I have a better idea, but I think Peace Corps is out of the picture. Since it’s been such an internal battle, I figure it is not right for me at this time.

The next day was a sunny, dry day and gotta another good sunset night. We went kayaking with Rick's sons and their wives who were all visiting us. Click here for more pix.
The next day was a sunny, dry day and gotta another good sunset night. We went kayaking with Rick's sons and their wives who were all visiting us. Click here for more pix.
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