Last week I had a nice long weekend. I headed to Anchorage to meet up with a friend who was going on her annual 4th f July McCarthy visit. About a 6-8 hr drive. Very nice with a glacier on the way. McCarthy is a small, mostly seasonal town way off the road system.

It reminded me of Talkeetna young people working hard and having fun too. Lots of history with the old copper mining town nearby. Lots of dogs running around. Lots of musicians and drinking and mosquitoes. Now I remember why I like living by the breezy beach in Homer!
I got to walk to a glacier and a little bit on it. Almost met Steven Tyler from Aerosmith but it was just his former tour manager and ex girlfriend, who is from AK, with her new bf so no Steven Tyler to be seen :(
Went inside a historical old leeching plant before the rangers boarded it up as it is about to collapse and go on my first glacier lake/river rafting in 37 degree water. Even with a dry suit, you feel that cold penetrate through and my feet still got wet. It was fun screaming at the water. I was a little nervous of popping out since I have not rafted since Costa Rica two winters ago where I almost did not make it out of the river....

One trip in 4 nights made 2 cool albums: McCarthy and glacier river rafting pix,
click here. Pix of Kennecott mining and glacier hike,
click here. I plan to stay in Homer for the rest of July at least, try to get on a fishing boat, see a local burlesque show and who knows what else this busy town has in store for little old me!