

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Beginning of Dec in Homer

December is going by quickly. I am pretty busy at work and all is well there. We started the month colder than usual with single digits for a week straight and a bit cloudier than Nov. 
No auras yet for me. It seems when there's good activity, we either have a full moon or clouds that night.  It also does not help that I am southern facing and in town. 
And when the moon is full here boy is it bright. I have never noticed it before when living in the city. Just the other night, I was woken up by the moon. At first I thought a bright light turned on outside then looked out and up and there it was. Pretty unreal....
I have been having car battery issues, long story (even with a brand new battery), but I am learning a lot about cars and hopefully the mechanic figured the issue.  I thought I would get more writing done here in winter, but its just as busy as summer. We made it through solstice and now the days are getting longer, slowly!  
I started a Dec album and its getting full so here it is. I will post xmas-new years separately next week. Enjoy! And in just 3 days we got about 2-3 ft of snow. Pix of that coming soon... Rose

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Being Green in AK - It's an Awesome Feeling!

As an environmental "human" conscious being, living in AK has been a fun experience. Because you pay for the water, no matter where you live here (unless you have a well), you really come up with ways to catch and re-use it.

I now shower with a huge pot to catch the cold water before it turns warm. I then use that to water the plants or even boil for tea. Also catch running water in the kitchen sink while doing dishes to reuse for the other dirty dishes.  Or have a small bowl of water quickly rinse my hands constantly while cooking or wash veggies in all together vs washing veggies under running water.

Also, I am finally set up to compost and even set a small one up at work. I actually have friends that need it for their soil. There's such a need here; its sad we have not set up a system that could work for all to compost and farmers to collect. Its so darn easy and feel so darn good not wasting good stuff.  Homer has banned plastic bags from stores starting Jan. It's a small start that we ALL should TAKE! There's no need to wait for law and gov't to slowly enforce these small, easy behavior changes that we so badly need to do ASAP!
I started making my own kambucha! It's a raw food antioxidant, high in Vitamin Bs including B12 and a probiotic. All good stuff for you and tasty and now making it instead of buying it at $4 a small bottle. Thanks Robbi!

I've also started appreciating mason jars and need to start collecting some. It was popular in PDX but it is much more in demand up here. It's handy for just about everything especially in the kitchen. I would never have imagined in my wildest dreams that this is my life and this is what excites me. I can just vision all my NYC friends shaking their heads in disbelief.

Every day at least once, when I walk outside I say either "wow" or beautiful". I know some of my fellow friends don't understand my living in Alaska. And you can't, until you experience this amazing feeling this place gives you for yourself! I am making a December album and will share it at the end of the month. I posted a few of those pix here but no album link yet.