I knew quitting a job to travel was crazy. I almost did not go through with it. Now that I am back to a more stable life (not traveling) and still jobless, I look back and think man what did I do? What ifs come to mind like what if i don't work for another year? what if I don't get work ever again? what if I get really sick?
It is so weird how thoughts and ideas changes. Back then i was hating the structure and routine my work schedule formed. I felt like a robot waking up at the same time, going to the same place. So mechanical was the process. Now, I have a wacky schedule and it tires my mind. Always thinking and having to be on b/c there is no routine. I wish there was a balance were one could have it all some structure and some flexibility for change.
It takes time to adapt to a new place and job/moving are two huge life stresses. It's not that I am constantly unhappy or even regret my decisions. I just feel a little loss at times, especially with the career stuff. But I am slowly adapting and trying to figure things out. I'm happy to be by Dave's side and to have him by mine. Poor Dave has to hear all of this from time to time and I thank him for his patience and loving support :)
As the weather warms up, I feel my mood and body improving. I have seen a few cool things here in VT since my last post, check out the pix here.